If you’re on hemodialysis and have noticed that you’re no longer making urine or making very little know that you’re not alone. But before you worry, here’s what you need to know.

an online kidney care resource
an online kidney care resource
If you’re on hemodialysis and have noticed that you’re no longer making urine or making very little know that you’re not alone. But before you worry, here’s what you need to know.
Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is an inherited condition where many fluid-filled sacs, called cysts, grow in the kidneys.
AKI and CKD are kidney disorders that. share some similarities. But, they are distinct with varied causes, symptoms, and long-term consequences
Not everyone with diabetes has CKD. Nor does everyone with CKD have diabetes. CKD occurs most often in people whose glucose levels aren’t well controlled.
Our genes play a role in how the kidneys develop. As such, certain genetic mutations (changes) affect the structure and function of the kidney.
Journaling has been used in different chronic illnesses. Keep reading to learn more about journaling and chronic kidney disease.
Proteinuria refers to a condition where protein is found in the urine. It may be a sign of kidney disease but can also cause further damage.
Self-forgiveness occurs when we acknowledge our wrongdoing, experience remorse and treat ourselves with self-compassion.
Peritoneal dialysis is a treatment option for individuals with kidney failure. It is a way to help the body get rid of harmful toxins
Plantains are great sources of energy, fiber, minerals, and vitamins. But they are rich in potassium and may require some planning to fit it into your diet.